Sunday, October 3, 2010

1 week, and over $1000 down.

The first week on my invasion of London town has been successful to say the least.
Sitting, exhausted, hungover, and covered in glitter, I finally have a moment to post about my week.

The first couple days were a challenge not to be noticed for being American. The UK is like an alternate universe (i.e. Fringe) where everything is the same just a little different. Everything from electricity, to water pressure, to toilets, phone numbers, queuing, to ordering food, its all the same give or take a few details. 
How am I suppose to know that you need to press the button for the door to open on the tubes? or how to handle a 13 digit phone number? &that if you ask for water, you get it in a bottle. Specify "tap."

Theres a lot more to worry about than just "minding your gap."
Make sure when crossing, you look left.
and when taking the escalator, stand to the right!

We've learned not to confuse the Tower Bridge with the London Bridge,
that Platform 9&3/4 actually exists,
and that the following boys, may be hugging, they may be kissing, but they are most definitely not nancys! (we'll get to that in a moment)

We've also learned that cab drivers will only take you when it's convenient for them and no one is capable of giving you directions.

We've already be followed by someone who just got out of jail, witnessed fighting in the streets, as well as a chav (Brit for white trash) getting tackled by a couple of Bobby's (Brit for PoPo).
and we also happened to stumble upon the filming of Pirates of the Caribbean 4.

Best places so far to visit: Camden market, and Oxford street. So dangerous. I'm going to attempt to not do any shopping (unless i HAVE TO HAVE IT) until December and then spend the left over money before i go home.

Fashion update: (after the jump, click it bitches!)

Floral jumpers, platform heels, and lace figures prominently.  Victorian has taken over the street style. Women love the ultra feminine ruffles, rouching, and tool. Men are wearing oxfords, and boat shoes with their trousers rolled at the bottom so that you can see their socks. On the other end of the spectrum, military: Doc Martins EVERYWHERE. Combat boots, worn in leathers, chunky accessories. Everyone has to own something army green. And make khaki the foundation of your military wardrobe.

Everyone is getting to the point of sticker shock and freaking over money. Over the past 6 days, we've moved from eating out for every meal, to cooking dinners. (the price difference being £13 per person to eat out compared to £13 for 3 people to eat, drink and be merry at home.) 
We've also discovered that most pubs charge more for diet coke than beer. And for the price of a beer in a pub, we could get a 8 pack from Tesco Express. 
We're really pinching the pents.

Out of the countless beers I've had this week, only one of them, surprisingly, has been warm. Everyone warned me repeatedly about warm beers, yet its actually only predominant in Ale houses.

Now back to the boys: It apparently is quite normal here for straight boys to do some very close dancing, kiss eachother, and then go back to the girls that they were with. It is absolutely impossible to designate gay or straight, so much so that, even me, covered in glitter, wearing only a tank and painted on jeans, gets mistaken for a straight boy. What fucking planet is this? Let me tell you, this is a constant challenge. Someone please spell this out for me! Mo, or No-Mo!?!

Photo's from the club last night are to be posted soon. In the meantime, keep it classy!
<3 Lady Gaygay.

1 comment:

  1. I briefly "dated" a guy from London when I was living in North Carolina (not gonna lie, it was totally the accent and nothing more than I was attraced to!! LOL) He told me the fighting over there is crazy. That it was expected if they were going out drinking to get into multiple fights in the street on the way home. Not really sure why?? :\ So mind your p's and q's!! lol! Sounds like you're having a great time so far... can't wait to see more pictures!

    <3 Nina
